I purchased two of these watches recently, one for myself and one for my girlfriend, and was surprised at the advertised capabilities given the price. However, it was not long before I realized the true quality of these products.
Use. We tested these watches on both wrists with varying tightness, but generally a firm compression.
Battery life. The battery life seemed strong, lasting 3.5 days with it’s first 100% charge. However, this became oddly inconsistent. The second 100% charge only lasted 1.5 days. The third 100% charge lasted ~3.5 days again, but only for my watch since my girlfriends watch was no longer able to charge. This fluctuation occurred without changing settings or general usage. After the third charge however, both of our watches cannot charge at all resulting in the expiration of these watches. We tried resolving this issue with different charging units and online help. No abnormal activity, water damage, drops, or damage of any type had occurred to either of these watches.
Health Tracking. SLEEP TRACKER. We charged our watches during the day since we were most interested in the sleep tracker. The sleep tracker consistently told me I was sleeping “perfect” and was getting between 7-8 hours of sleep. However, it stated that I went to sleep 1 hour before I even laid down and told me I woke up when I started walking, not when I actually woke up. It also failed to track my constant sleep disruptions and waking up in the middle of the night. I have a spinal injury at the moment and this is not uncommon for me during this time. This gave us wildly inaccurate data, rendering the sleep tracker useless and misleading. STEPS. I walked side-by-side with my girlfriend on a few brief ‘walks’ and also had a tracker on my phone. The data was different by about 20%, between the watch and the phone, but it is impossible to say which one was inaccurate. Therefore, I cannot speak on the accuracy of this feature. No other features were tested on these watches by us. However, given the integrity of the watch so far, I would not trust the data personally. I did enjoy the reminders for drinking water…
Bluetooth functions. My watch occasionally disconnected with my phone, but it seemed to “catch up” with the data that the watch tracked when it would inevitably reconnect. However, these constant disconnections made the convenience of phone notifications on the watch sporadic, which was a little irritating.
OVERALL. The health functions are either wildly inaccurate or questionable at the very least, but some data could be determined useful. However, since not one but both of our watches did not last more than 2 weeks, with constant errors and eventually losing all function, I can definitively say that these products are not worth even the low price that they are sold for. Had only one of our watches had these problems, I would presume that it simply had a manufacturing defect, attained a refund, and tried again. However, since both of our watches showed great disfunction, I would presume that this is simply a poor quality product.
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